St Mary’s has a full time Aboriginal Education Worker (AEW) at the school. We strongly value having an Aboriginal person to work in partnership with our students and 
families. The school offers a vast array of support that enhances individual understanding and personal growth of both our Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students.

The relationship that develops

 between the AEW, students and families continues beyond the school and into the community.

Support for our students includes:

  • Assistance with assessment tasks and homework
  • Internet and computer access
  • The opportunity to learn Wiradjuri language
  • Assistance in numeracy and literacy
  • Incorporation of Aboriginal perspectives in all Key Learning Areas
  • Learning about the importance and meaning of culture

Cultural opportunities include: a traditional dance group, NAIDOC, Sorry Day, World Harmony Day, access to a newly established Cultural Centre, Excursions on Country.

Acknowledgement of Country